Sunday, 6 May 2012

A Bit of Silliness (Is Good for the Soul)

Cody and Jody

Cody and Jody live in a magical house
Not quite like any other place
With toys all around
Six feet deep on the ground
And not one inch of spare space.

Their mother just stands there
Shakes her head at the mess
"Wasn't me," insists Cody.
"Wasn't me," insists Jody.
Who'll clean up the mess? Can you guess?

Jody and Cody have a miraculous place
Where the books leap down from the shelves
They fall and they scatter
Like any old matter
And they do it all by themselves.

Their father just stands there
Shakes his head at the mess
"Wasn't me," giggles Cody.
"Wasn't me," giggles Jody.
Who'll clean up the mess? Can you guess?

Cody and Jody have a peculiar spot
Where the trucks move all on their own
Roaring and crashing
Leaping and smashing
In a ear-crashing demolition zone.

Their grandmother just stands there
Shakes her head at the mess
"Wasn't me," shrieks Cody.
"Wasn't me," shrieks Jody.
Who'll clean up the mess? Can you guess?

Jody and Cody have a mysterious room
Where the clothes are fast disappearing
The pants on the stairs
Where's the underwear?
In the kitchen it just keeps appearing.

Their grandfather just stands there
Shakes his head at the mess
"Wasn't me," whispers Cody.
"Wasn't me," whispers Jody.
Who'll clean up the mess? Can you guess?

Cody and Jody live in an unusual land
Where the sheets are ajumble all day
Beds made in the morning
In a sudden, without warning
Bunch and scrunch up any old way.

Their parents just stand there
Shake their heads at the mess
"Wasn't me," laughs Cody.
"Wasn't me," laughs Jody.
Who'll clean up the mess? Can you guess?

Jody and Cody live in a wonderful house
Not like anywhere else in the world
While everyone's sleeping
"Wasn't Me" is a-sweeping
A-cleaning, a-sorting all unheard.

The grown-ups just stand there
Smile their smiles at no mess
"A new day," smiles Cody.
"Let's go play," smiles Jody.
Who'll clean up the mess? Can you guess?

Copyright 2001 S.L. Holzscherer